Publication Ethics
Ethical standards for publication mainly aims to ensure high quality scientific publications, public trust in new findings, and hence the public receive credit for their new ideas. KITSPRESS aims to stick to the Best Practice Guidelines framed on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct.
All submitted articles are peer – reviewed by our experts in the respective field.If the articles are accepted by the editors, then the peer reviwers start reviewing the papers.These Peer reviwers remain unknown to the authors.We may also seek advice and ideas from outside experts of the field to which the journal belongs to.
Plagiarism is a crime. KITSPRESS checks all the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism using Turnitin Plagiarism Checker software.If any of the manuscripts are detected for plagiarism then the respective manuscripts will be rejected.If Plagiarism is found after publication then the associated manuscript will be deleted.
The authors’ submissions are accepted as long as they are completely original, unpublished works that are not already being considered for publication by another magazine.
Depending on the circumstances, some articles can be published in more than one journal (e.g., guidelines, translations). Secondary publications must be approved by the authors and editors of the primary publications to reflect the same data and interpretation. The secondary publication must cite the primary reference.
The articles submitted must be unpublished and also not falsified. Journals should not publish essentially the same paper more than once. A manuscript that has already been published in another journal should not be submitted for consideration. It is unethical and unacceptable to submit the same manuscript to several journals at the same time.If any falsification or fabrication is found, then the article will be rejected.
The unpublished new and original articles from the authors can be submitted in any format with .doc or .docx extension.Only 6 authors are allowed to the maximum.Any details related to the author such as the name or email id cannot be changed later.
Authors are asked to submit the accepted manuscripts in a single column format through the online portal with .doc or .docx extention.The KITSPRESS team will modify the manuscript according to the template.
Any conflicts of interest that could influence the results or interpretation in the manuscript should be disclosed by authors as early as possible (generally by submitting a disclosure form and including a statement in the manuscript). Many potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed, including financial ones, such as honoraria, educational grants or other funding, participation in speakers’ bureaus, membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest, and paid expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements, as well as non-financial ones such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. Please disclose all sources of funding (including grant numbers or other reference numbers, if applicable).
If unsure about the conflicting interests, it can be discussed with the Editorial Board before submission of the article.
Possible conflicting interests include:
As the manuscript must be publicly responsible for its content, only individuals meeting these authorship criteria should be listed as authors: (i) contributed significantly to the study’s conception, design, execution, data acquisition, or analysis and interpretation; (ii) wrote the manuscript or revised it critically for important intellectual content; and (iii) approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its publication. If any individual contributed substantially to the work reported in the manuscript (for example, technical help, writing and editing assistance, general assistance), he or she should not be listed as an author but should be mentioned in the “Acknowledgements” section after they have been granted written permission to be mentioned. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure all appropriate co-authors (according to the above definition) and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the author list. In addition, the author should verify that all co-authors have seen the final draft and approved it for publication, and have agreed to it.
Editors and reviewers should decline to be involved with a submission if they have any of the following:
All the manuscripts will be sent to the subject field experts for review.They will send the review to the editorial team.The decision will be taken by the Editorial team.The decision can be
An author is responsible for notifying the journal’s editors or journal as soon as they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their own published work and cooperating with them to correct the work or retract it. Journal editors generally expect authors to promptly correct or retract papers that contain significant errors or inaccuracies, or to provide evidence to them that the paper is correct.
As a publication, working closely with its editors, will take appropriate measures if there is alleged or actual scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism in an article. Erratum, clarifications, and, in the most severe cases, retractions are among the remedies available. In addition to taking reasonable steps to identify and prevent papers with research misconduct from being published, the journal should ensure that no such misconduct is encouraged or knowingly permitted to occur.
The journal team will modify the manuscript according to the template.
Editors have the complete responsibility to accept or reject the manuscript depending on the reviews obtained from the reviewers. Every manuscript should be treated as a confidential document by the editor. It is prohibited for editors to use any submitted manuscripts in their own research. Editors should have no conflict of interest on the articles they accept or reject. It is the editor’s responsibility to ensure that the peer-review process is conducted to a high standard. Double blind review process must be ensured by the editors.
Step by step guideline for authors
KITSPRESS publishes only the original research papers or articles.These articles must be based on a particular interest and have a definite conclusion.
A manuscript’s academic merit (importance, originality, validity, clarity) and relevance to the journal’s scope is evaluated exclusively by editors, who take no account of the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, citizenship, religious beliefs, political philosophy, or institutional affiliation when evaluating manuscripts submitted.
The inclusion of figures, tables, or text passages already published elsewhere requires permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format, and the submission must include proof of such permission.
Please follow the hyperlink “Submit manuscript” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.
All listed authors should provide a short description of their contributions (please use initials). A separate section will appear before the acknowledgements.
The title page should contain:
The journal team will modify the manuscript according to the template.
Genus and Species name should be in Italic.
The repeatability or statistical significance of the findings must be stated by the authors in a subsection at the conclusion of the Materials and Methods section, particularly in relation to any figures without error bars (e.g. images, blots).
If you used commercially available antibodies, do supply the antibody product code.
In the text, cite references by name and year in parentheses. Some instances:
Only works that are acknowledged in the text and have been released or accepted for release should be listed as references. Only unpublished works and personal communications should be mentioned in the text. Never use a reference list in place of footnotes or endnotes.
The last names of each work’s first authors should be listed in alphabetical order in the reference list entries. Multi-author works by the same initial author should be arranged alphabetically according to second, third, etc. authors. Ordering of publications by the same author or authors is required.
Ideally, the names of all authors should be provided, but the usage of “et al” in long author lists with more than 3 authors will also be accepted. Please always give a minimum of three authors.
It is strongly advised that you submit all of your artwork in an electronic format, including photos, line drawings, etc., for the highest quality final outcome. Then, your artwork will be created to the highest standards and with the utmost attention to detail. The calibre of the submitted artwork will be clearly visible in the published work.
KITSPRESS accepts electronic multimedia files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) and other supplementary files to be published online along with an article or a book chapter. This feature can add dimension to the author’s article, as certain information cannot be printed or is more convenient in electronic form.
Research datasets should be reviewed before being submitted as electronic supplementary material. Wherever it is feasible, research data should be archived in data repositories.
Electronic supplemental material will be published just as it was submitted by the author, without modification or formatting.
Please make sure that the content of your additional files is accessible to persons with all abilities and impairments by following these guidelines.
Unpublished information disclosed in a manuscript will not be used by editors or editorial board members for their own research purposes without the author’s explicit consent. During the course of handling the manuscript, editors will obtain privileged information or ideas which will be kept confidential. As a result of their competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions involved in the papers, editors will recuse themselves from considering manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest. Instead, another editorial board member will handle the manuscript.
Any researcher desiring to utilise the resources detailed in the publication for non-commercial reasons without violating participant confidentially will be entitled to do so without paying for them if they are submitted to the journal. This includes all relevant raw data.
The publication strongly recommends that readers get access to all datasets used to support the paper’s conclusions. We advise authors to make sure that their datasets are either given in the primary publication or supplementary supporting files whenever possible, or that they are deposited in publicly accessible repositories (where available and acceptable). Where suitable, general repositories for all forms of research data, like figshare and Dryad, may be used.
The reference list may include references to datasets that have been given digital object identifiers (DOIs) by a data repository. The bare minimum recommended by DataCite for data citations is authors, title, publisher (repository name), and identifier.
For the following types of data set, submission to a community-endorsed, public repository is mandatory:
Mandatory deposition | Suitable repositories |
Protein sequences | Uniprot |
DNA and RNA sequences | Genbank DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ) EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (ENA) |
DNA and RNA sequencing data | NCBI Trace Archive NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) |
Genetic polymorphisms | dbSNP dbVar European Variation Archive (EVA) |
Linked genotype and phenotype data | dbGAP The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) |
Macromolecular structure | Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB) Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) |
Microarray data (must be MIAME compliant) | Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) ArrayExpress |
Crystallographic data for small molecules | Cambridge Structural Database |
The publication invites authors to include a note about the availability of data in their work. Data availability statements should provide information on the sources of the data used to support the findings in the article, including, if appropriate, hyperlinks to publically available datasets used in the analysis or generation of the data. If necessary, data availability declarations can additionally declare whether or not data are available upon request from the authors and when none are.
Data Availability statements can take one of the following forms (or a combination of more than one if required for multiple datasets):
The maximum review time is 45 days.
After the acceptance of the manuscripts,a confirmation mail is sent to the authors.Then the final version of the manuscript should be prepared by the authors according to the IJSDC template.Authors should attach the copy rights form along with the final version of the manuscripts through online.
If any of the manuscript is rejected, it will not be considered for publication and hence the authors are asked not to send the rejected manuscripts.
During the editorial review, authors may be required to provide raw data, which they should be prepared to make public if possible. As a minimum, authors should ensure that such data can be accessed by other competent professionals for at least ten years after publication (preferably via institutional or subject-based data repositories or other data centres), provided that participants’ confidentiality is protected and legal rights regarding proprietary data do not prevent them from being disclosed.
Important Items when submitting a manuscript
What is Open Access ?
Open access is a broad international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic information, such as publications and data. A publication is defined ‘open access’ when there are no financial, legal or technical barriers to accessing it – that is to say when anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for and search within the information, or use it in education or in any other way within the legal agreements.
Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to the traditional subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription (usually via libraries).
One of the most important advantages of open access is that it increases the visibility and reuse of academic research results. There is also criticism, and the aspect of quality deserves extra effort. The principles of open access are set out in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (2003). This declaration has been signed by many international organisations for academic research, including all Dutch universities and research organisations.
kitspress defines open access by the following conditions:
There are different ways of publishinging open access:
1) Full Open Access journals: publication via publisher platforms, in full open access journals. This route may involve a charge. The publication costs, known as ‘article processing charges’ (APCs), are covered by authors or by their institutions. Most research funders support open access and are willing to cover the costs themselves. A list of fully open access journals that are accessible worldwide can be found on the DOAJ website.
2) Hybrid Journals: publication via ‘hybrid’ journals. These journals are subscription journals that allow open access publication of individual articles on payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC). Thanks to a series of deals between the VSNU and several academic publishers, Dutch-affiliated researchers can publishing for free in thousands of hybrid journals.
Peter Suber, one of the earliest thought-leaders on open access, gave this definition.
Review process
Reviewers are responsible for providing feedback regarding the paper , give suggestions and recommendations to the editors for selecting or rejecting the papers.They are also responsible for implementing any changes in the article.
Participation in the peer-review process and cooperation with editors are essential. It is the author’s responsibility to provide prompt replies to editors’ requests for raw data, clarifications, and proof of ethics approval, patient consents, and copyright permissions. Authors should revise and resubmit their manuscript by the specified deadline in the case of a first decision of “revisions necessary”.
Conflicts of interest
Any conflicts of interest that could influence the results or interpretation in the manuscript should be disclosed by authors as early as possible (generally by submitting a disclosure form and including a statement in the manuscript). Please disclose all sources of funding (including grant numbers or other reference numbers, if applicable).
Reviewers should decline to be involved with a submission if they have any of the following:
Copyright Form:Copy right form link
kitspress allows its author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.
Copyright Infringement
Any complaints regarding alleged copyright violations should be sent to the editor at with the subject “Copyright Infringement.” The claim must be supported by written documentation proving that the identical version was published, copyrighted, or patent-protected by the harmed party prior to the date the relevant kitspress article was published. If the claim is accepted, the kitspress Board will notify the author of the kitspress to submit an explanation upon receipt; the discussion will be open to both parties.
The kitspress Board reserves the exclusive authority to determine whether any such claims are true. If the claim is confirmed after consideration, the relevant manuscript will be deleted from all kitspress servers and archives. The article will not appear in any subsequent print editions of the relevant issue. The authors will be notified to make the necessary revisions in accordance with the kitspress article correction policies if the changes required are minor, such as the addition of references. The alternate version will be subject to peer review just like any other general submission and published in the same issue (number) of the relevant volume. The highest priority will be given to any copyright claims. In the event that the claim is backed up by official documentation, a reply letter will be sent out within 3 business days.
Correction Policy
The final and complete version of an article is the one that is posted online. Although it is possible to correct this version, it is against our policy (and that of other publishers) to do so unless absolutely necessary. Typographical errors can only be fixed in the following areas: author names, affiliations, paper titles, abstracts, and keywords. In these situations, it would also be essential to issue an erratum or corrigendum, so that there would be a record to document the discrepancy between the online and print versions. If there is a significant error in your article, we can publish a correction.
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if you need any changes to be effected.
What are Article Processing Charges?
Open Access publishers, including kitspress, do not make money from subscription sales like traditional publishers do. In contrast, we offer all of our articles without charge. Other Open Access publishers impose an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs of taking a manuscript and turning it into a finished article after an article is accepted for publication. However, our kitspress asserts payment for publication. To learn more about the kitspress’s compliance with the Open Access tenets, go here. What is Open Access Publishing?.
When a manuscript is submitted, it is processed through the many different departments at kitspress:
To make sure your piece receives the attention it merits, these teams collaborate with our marketing, communications, and technical teams. A portion of each APC is put back into the technical infrastructure that undekitspressns these services, keeping the publishing process as simple as possible.
We sincerely hope that this website has made them clearer to you, but if you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.