
Internationl Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering - IJMME

Paper Submission

31 July 2023

Preparation Guidelines for Paper Submission

We will not accept submissions from anyone besides one of the authors. During submission and peer review, the submitting author is accountable for the work.

  • Submissions to this journal will be treated as having not previously been published and not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • If you used latex software to prepare your article, send your paper in PDF format. Otherwise, send it in Microsoft Word format (.doc or.docx).
  • We take offence if you submit your paper to many journals. Please don’t waste our time.
  • The paper cannot be withdrawn at any expense once it has been accepted.
  • Please adhere to publication ethics and laws.
  • Avoid using stolen or cloned ideas.
  • Follow the KITS Press Journals Paper Template exactly.

Conditions for Submission:

Papers must be submitted with the understanding that they haven’t been published anywhere else and aren’t currently being considered by any journal published by KITS Press or any other publisher. The author who is submitting the article is in charge of making sure that all coauthors have given their consent for it to be published. Additionally, it is the obligation of the writers to guarantee that the articles coming from a certain institution are submitted with the required institution’s approval.

Peer review:

All articles must adhere to the highest standards of academic excellence in order to pass peer review. Submissions will be evaluated by peer reviewers, whose identities will not be disclosed to the authors, if the editor approves them.

Units of Measurement:

System International (SI) units should be used to present units of measurement in a clear and straightforward manner.

The Author and the Title Information:

The following details ought to be provided:

  • Paper title Authors’ full names
  • Complete institutional addresses
  • Email addresses
  • An abstract for the work is required.

The abstract should not be longer than 200 words, be self-contained, and contain no citations.


The introduction should be brief and free of subheadings.

Materials and Methods:

This section needs to be detailed enough for all steps to be repeated. If numerous techniques are described, it can be broken down into subsections.

Table preparation:

Each table in the text should be cited in turn. If numerical measurements are provided, the units should be specified in the column heading and each table must have a descriptive title.

Results and Discussion:

These sections may be merged or separated by subheadings.


This should concisely summarise the work’s principal conclusions while underlining their significance and applicability.

The acknowledgments:

The acknowledgments section, which may include supporting grants, presentations, and other things, should be included right before the references at the very end of the work, if there are any.


It is the duty of the author to make sure that each reference contains complete and accurate information. All references must be properly cited inside the text; otherwise, they will be struck out.