
Review process

  • The maximum review time is 45 days.
  • After the acceptance of the manuscripts,a confirmation mail is sent to the authors.Then the final version of the manuscript should be prepared by the authors according to the IJSDC template.Authors should attach the copy rights form along with the final version of the manuscripts through online.
  • If any of the manuscript is rejected, it will not be considered for publication and hence the authors are asked not to send the rejected manuscripts.

Reviewers are responsible for providing feedback regarding the paper , give suggestions and recommendations to the editors for selecting or rejecting the papers.They are also responsible for implementing any changes in the article.


  • The major issues involve checking ,
  • If the paper is new , fresh and original and is not already existing.
  • If the concept explained in the paper is new , innovative , modern.
  • The evidences provided are relevant to the paper and are unique and purely done with knowledge of the author and are addressed properly.
  • If all the contents of the paper are confidential and do not have any ethical issue.
  • The minor issues involves checking ,
  • If the meanings given are correct and there are no numerical or factual errors.
  • If all the references are correct and relevant and all the figures are labelled correctly.

Participation in the peer-review process and cooperation with editors are essential. It is the author’s responsibility to provide prompt replies to editors’ requests for raw data, clarifications, and proof of ethics approval, patient consents, and copyright permissions. Authors should revise and resubmit their manuscript by the specified deadline in the case of a first decision of “revisions necessary”.